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Residential Services
Peña’s offers prompt and professional weekly curbside services for collection of trash, green waste, and recyclables. Peña’s is unique in that it transports all refuse to our state-of-the-art Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in an effort to keep as many recyclables out of landfills as possible. There, refuse is weighed and logged into our database and containers are visually inspected for recyclable materials before going to landfills.
Download “Recycling Done the Right Way!” to learn what goes in the blue recycle container: English or Spanish
Green Waste
- Branches
- Brush
- Grass
- Leaves
- Shrubs
- Trees (includes un-frosted Christmas trees)
- Weeds
Peña’s Disposal is the only hauler in Tulare County able to process green waste and other materials on site, at our Material Recovery Facility. The facility is fully permitted by the Air Board to handle green waste, which is mulched and given to local farms and dairies or sold for landscaping opportunities. For more information on purchasing mulch, call us.
- Aerosol cans
- Aluminum contaminated with food
- Animal waste or pet litter (bagged)
- Ashes (bagged)
- Carbon paper
- CDs
- Ceramics or dishes
- Diapers (bagged)
- Flocked Christmas trees
- Food waste
- Greasy car parts
- Juice pouches
- Milk cartons
- Mirrors or window glass
- Paper towels, plates, napkins
- Plastics contaminated with food
- Plastic cups, plates, or utensils
- Styrofoam block, containers, or packaging peanuts
- Tissue or foil wrapping paper
- Tissues or toilet paper
- Toxic containers (empty – with no residue)
- Waxed cardboard
- Waxed paper or cartons
- Wood