Organic Recycling


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Mandatory Organic Recycling (MORe)

In September 2014, the Governor approved Assembly Bill No. 1826 (AB 1826) – an Organics Recycling bill mandating commercial businesses and multifamily residential dwellings recycle organic waste. This bill defines organic waste as:

Food waste, green waste, landscape and pruning waste, nonhazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper waste that is mixed in with food waste.

AB 1826 is meant to divert organic waste, as defined above, from landfills in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50%, of the 2014 levels, by the year 2020. Organics will now be used for composting and/or the creation of energy/fuel through an anaerobic digestion company.

Beginning January 2019, businesses that generate four (4) cubic yards, or more, of solid waste weekly and multi-family dwellings with five (5) or more units are required to subscribe to a State approved organic recycling program. State approved recycling programs are:

  • Subscribe to a hauler, i.e., Peña’s Disposal, that offers an Organic Recycling Program
  • *Donate or sell organics for recycling
  • *Self-haul organics for recycling
  • *Recycle organics onsite by composting

*Requires documented proof of recycling produced quarterly/annually.

Download information about our Commercial Organic Recycling Program – English / Spanish.

For more information about the state mandate AB 1826:

For more information on Organic Recycling programs in your area:


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