At Peña’s, we’re doing our part to make sure everybody knows about simple changes they can make in their lives to help our environment. We offer training sessions at our facility or on location to educate our community about recycling benefits. We work with our schools to teach students about the importance of recycling. We work with our state and city agencies on recycling programs. Simply said – we make recycling a priority at Peña’s. So, as a residential or commercial customer of Peña’s, you can rest assured that only materials that cannot be recycled go to the landfill.
Peña’s offers a fee waste assessment service where we will visit your office or home and analyze your current service in order to suggest ways to improve your recycling efforts. To schedule your free waste assessment, contact us.
Learn More by Touring our Facility
Peña’s Disposal offers onsite tours at our Material Recovery Facility in Cutler. We also have a meeting room to teach people about the recycling process. The meeting room overlooks our Material Recovery sort line and has interactive tools to assist users in identifying recycling materials. To schedule your tour, download our request form and return it to Peña’s Disposal.
Peña’s Leads by Example
Peña’s entire truck fleet with diesel engines has been retrofitted with emission control devices.
Peña’s purchased CNG (Compresses Natural Gas) trucks that burn 80% cleaner than most cars on the road today
Peña’s accelerated its Air Board Compliance schedule to outpace minimum requirements.
Peña’s added Countywide Shredding in 2013 to help businesses and residential customers properly destroy private information.
Peña’s added an enclosed paint booth to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the environment.
Peña’s sells road base and mulch to the general public that has been created on site at our Material Recovery Facility.